What are you doing to help Gov. Romney?
Myself, I'm contributing to this blog and plan to volunteer for Rep. Shaw's campaign in the fall. Volunteering for a campaign can be a lot of fun if you have the right attitude (which Republicans usually do). Like what brings Trekkers together for their conventions, there is a nice comraderie and buzz that goes along with volunteering. More importantly, for our purposes, it gives you a chance to extoll the virtues of Gov. Romney on dedicated conservatives who may not have given him a chance but will certainly be open to your enthusiasm. If you don't live in a competitive district (they are pretty rare) you can, of course, campaign for the next governor or even Rep. Harris's run for the Senate.
Don't forget the primaries!
Don't forget the primaries!
Great ideas Thomas! Glad you're political activity is not just limited to Romney (that can wait a year or so).
I've been doing the same kind of things in helping with the campaigns for my GOP Rep. Jim Leach and GOP next governor Jim Nussle. It's been fun!
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